Sai Life Sciences : Marketing that works for customers and investors
When we started working with Sai Life Sciences, an emerging Indian pharma company based in Hyderabad, they had employed an agency to redesign their logo. Interestingly they researched and played back a lot of information about the company to Sai management, but somehow their design did not work.
We were brought in and within two weeks we had redesigned the logo. Our interest was in the ongoing marketing. Our work for the company led to a second logo development and an evolution of the strapline. Also, our work embraces a linked-up strategy around what is called ‘The Molecular Lifecycle concept’, which has itself become more complex.
As we have developed our ‘Space Concept’ we’ve moved from the darkness of space and into our imagined spaceship that circumnavigates the earth.
The work shown here illustrates the connected work we can facilitate:
• Website design
• Video book with two videos
• ‘Discovery’ video for the company
• Secondary brochure for Discovery Services
• Advertising in Manufacturing Chemist
• Stationery and internal communications
• Exhibition stands for CPhI Worldwide events
• All the above is part of what we do globally, including the DCAT and CPhI Japan exhibitions.
Sai received investment from a prominent investment company and valued Sai Life Sciences at four times its turnover! Considering the potential for growth and the fact that Sai is heavily involved with innovator pharma you can see that the look of the company and its marketing have been significant.
We think the marketing worked well for both customers and investors.